
Seeing making my own business and pursuing my dreams as the only way out.

Fluctuating hours. Dealing with annoying customers. Wild expectations of coworkers. Treating managers like the president and watching them kiss butt. Possibilities of being punished from lack of structure. BARELY hanging on to hibbies, barely having enough energy after work to want to do anything. Being excited for the weekend to barely spend the first day resting and the next dreading returninf to work. It gets depressing. You miss one day and you suddenly gotta decide between bills, rent and enough food. Almost like it's meant to crushyour dreams and goala away from working for someone. Nearly starving artist with marketable IT certs but boy is it hard to find time away from work. It's almost like choosing between doing better than what you have, and having enough energy to be able to hang on to what you have in the meantime. Screw this. Im gonna go be an artist.

Fluctuating hours. Dealing with annoying customers. Wild expectations of coworkers. Treating managers like the president and watching them kiss butt. Possibilities of being punished from lack of structure. BARELY hanging on to hibbies, barely having enough energy after work to want to do anything. Being excited for the weekend to barely spend the first day resting and the next dreading returninf to work. It gets depressing. You miss one day and you suddenly gotta decide between bills, rent and enough food. Almost like it's meant to crushyour dreams and goala away from working for someone. Nearly starving artist with marketable IT certs but boy is it hard to find time away from work. It's almost like choosing between doing better than what you have, and having enough energy to be able to hang on to what you have in the meantime. Screw this. Im gonna go be an artist.

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