
Selective dresscode at work

I, 22F, will be quitting my job in a month so decided to push some boundaries. The store I work at gets pretty hot during summer because my boss won’t turn on the AC to save money. Last year, I decided to wear a tank top to work because on bad days we will get over 30 degrees in the store. My boss‘ girlfriend then came up to me and told me that I can’t wear this to work because my shoulders are visible, so I went and bought something light to put on top and have never worn anything „revealing“ to work ever since, resulting in me getting overheated at work pretty easily. Here the issue comes in: ever since I was told that I cannot wear this type of clothing, my boss‘ girlfriend (who also works at the store) has been wearing tank tops and dresses revealing her…

I, 22F, will be quitting my job in a month so decided to push some boundaries.

The store I work at gets pretty hot during summer because my boss won’t turn on the AC to save money. Last year, I decided to wear a tank top to work because on bad days we will get over 30 degrees in the store. My boss‘ girlfriend then came up to me and told me that I can’t wear this to work because my shoulders are visible, so I went and bought something light to put on top and have never worn anything „revealing“ to work ever since, resulting in me getting overheated at work pretty easily.

Here the issue comes in: ever since I was told that I cannot wear this type of clothing, my boss‘ girlfriend (who also works at the store) has been wearing tank tops and dresses revealing her shoulders (and the occasional bra strap, how scandalous) pretty regularly, we even got a new employee who also wore the same type of clothes and they have not been made aware of this supposed rule.

Since I am going to leave this job in a month’s time I decided to wear a tank top to work today and see what‘ll happen. Whenever I have discussion about something with this woman and she runs out of valid points to make she’ll just call me rude and tell me how I always have to have the last word in everything, so does anyone have any suggestions how to respond to her in a professional way without coming off as rude?

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