
September 1st, are we doing this thing?

I’ve seen many people commenting or mentioning the date September 1st. For a “strike”. This is the first time someone has came up with a date and have started reaching others to agree on this date. On September 1st, don’t go to work, don’t buy anything and better yet don’t watch anything that gives revenue to anyone and cancel streaming services and subscriptions. Doing all that alone will make a huge impact rather then storming the streets.

I’ve seen many people commenting or mentioning the date September 1st. For a “strike”. This is the first time someone has came up with a date and have started reaching others to agree on this date.
On September 1st, don’t go to work, don’t buy anything and better yet don’t watch anything that gives revenue to anyone and cancel streaming services and subscriptions. Doing all that alone will make a huge impact rather then storming the streets.

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