
Serious discussions being had about letting go an extremely valuable employee because he’s being paid “too much”

I'll keep this short and sweet. I work at a company that is very profitable. Our warehouse is being run extremely efficiently by an employee who has 20+ years in the business and who's staff loves him. Everyone is happy. Work is tough at times but everything always works out. He gets to work early, he works late if need be. He never calls out sick, and those under him respect him so much that they always show up at least 10 minutes early and wait in their cars before clocking in. He's also bilingual which, in our industry, is extremely valuable. Ideal employee, right? Well it's come to my attention recently that the President of the company is looking to make budget cuts. Apparently what said valuable employee is getting paid is too much, and from what it sounds like the process of pushing him out has already started.…

I'll keep this short and sweet. I work at a company that is very profitable. Our warehouse is being run extremely efficiently by an employee who has 20+ years in the business and who's staff loves him. Everyone is happy. Work is tough at times but everything always works out. He gets to work early, he works late if need be. He never calls out sick, and those under him respect him so much that they always show up at least 10 minutes early and wait in their cars before clocking in. He's also bilingual which, in our industry, is extremely valuable.

Ideal employee, right? Well it's come to my attention recently that the President of the company is looking to make budget cuts. Apparently what said valuable employee is getting paid is too much, and from what it sounds like the process of pushing him out has already started. The person who they want to replace him? Me. You can guess how I feel that will play out… No one has discussed this with me or said valuable employee, either, as far as I know. I found out from someone who confided in me and showed me proof in a few email exchanges.

Anyway – kind of ranting here. I think it's ridiculous and it's depressing. We're talking someone who's probably 5 years away from retirement and who has been extremely loyal to this company. Busts his ass every day to make them millions, but they're willing to cut him loose over a few thousand dollars. Man it sucks. As a younger guy I'd like to think that if I put my best foot forward and show my value everything will work out. Maybe not, eh?

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