
Seriously, Fuck Bob Iger

Article Title: A Kinder, Gentler Bob Iger Says He Has ‘Deep Respect and Appreciation’ for Creatives Amid Dual Strike I saw this on FB, and one lady commented that respect and appreciation mean nothing, and that the artists need to be paid a wage that can cover the cost of living. So accurate. This reminded me of my own personal gripe with Bob. I was gonna post this anecdote on FB, but I figured it would be much better received here. I worked for Disney from 2011 – 2016. During my first two years, we had annual raises provided we were meeting/exceeding expectations. They weren't particularly high increases, but they were more than $1 annually, so… it was something. I worked in Guest Experience, and in 2013 they announced they were capping our wages. When they announced what the wage increase would be, I realized that based on my two…

Article Title: A Kinder, Gentler Bob Iger Says He Has ‘Deep Respect and Appreciation’ for Creatives Amid Dual Strike

I saw this on FB, and one lady commented that respect and appreciation mean nothing, and that the artists need to be paid a wage that can cover the cost of living. So accurate.

This reminded me of my own personal gripe with Bob. I was gonna post this anecdote on FB, but I figured it would be much better received here.

I worked for Disney from 2011 – 2016. During my first two years, we had annual raises provided we were meeting/exceeding expectations. They weren't particularly high increases, but they were more than $1 annually, so… it was something.

I worked in Guest Experience, and in 2013 they announced they were capping our wages. When they announced what the wage increase would be, I realized that based on my two previous increases, I would meet that with my next one. In fact, I could do nothing for the remainder of that year and still meet it.

This came in the form of an announcement in front of our entire department. I will give props for the face-to-face interaction, as many others would send emails or find other ways that don't invite immediate/public dialogue (for reasons that are about to become perfectly clear).

For the most part, I flew under the radar. Decent/good employee, no writeups, and no major issues with attitude or performance. Something about that year (there were a LOT of changes) changed how I approached things, so when they invited questions, I thought about how I wanted to phrase it and put my hand up. I got called on and asked my question.

Paraphrase: For those of us who routinely go above and beyond and earn our wage increases each year, what's the motivation or incentive to keep doing so once our wages become capped? It seems to me that if the compensation isn't there, then there is no real reason to go above what's expected.

The manager presenting went on to explain that the pride we get from knowing we did a job well is a great motivator. I wasn't in the manager's position, so I don't know what the expressions of all the others were, but I'm sure mine was incredulity. The meeting ended almost immediately, and a few people did not look impressed with my question.

To be fair, I wasn't impressed with the answer, as I always took pride in my work (up to that point) and, as it turns out, my landlord didn't accept pride in my work as a substitute for rent.

Looking back, I sort of feel for the manager. I don't think this was her personal decision, and I do feel like she probably felt embarrassed by the question and the answer she gave. It changed my attitude and it wasn't till recently that I really accepted that she wasn't the bad guy. Bob Iger (or someone near him on the food chain) was. I developed a negative attitude toward her as a person and our direct managers overall, rather than the people responsible for the changes we underwent.

Don't get me wrong, some people out there are ass-kissers who will sell you out for a cozy office. Some are simply people who were trying to get ahead in the world and are now stuck being the face of upper management's shitty decisions. It's hard, but sometimes we have to remember who the real bad guys are.

So, when I say this, know that I mean it with every fiber of my being – fuck you, Bob. The only thing you respect is the bottom line.

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