
Serving at a high end restaurant…

Got bitched out today by a manager cause I didn’t specify there was egg on some shit. Man, honestly fuck the egg and fuck you. I’m going hungry working my ass off, serving some shit I can’t even afford so these mfs I don’t know can be happy? When there are literal children dying from hunger in third world countries? “Oh I ordered it rare” bro IDGAF, IT’S COOKED. EAT THE SHIT.

Got bitched out today by a manager cause I didn’t specify there was egg on some shit. Man, honestly fuck the egg and fuck you. I’m going hungry working my ass off, serving some shit I can’t even afford so these mfs I don’t know can be happy? When there are literal children dying from hunger in third world countries? “Oh I ordered it rare” bro IDGAF, IT’S COOKED. EAT THE SHIT.

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