
Setting up the store should be paid work.

My cousin has a franchise restaurant job where he has to sometimes open, so he gets there early before he's clocked in, as he needs 15 mins to set up shop, and I say he should be paid for this. He doesn't agree, same with my Mom. So he's giving his life away to this franchise for free, which is typical for him because of his wishy-washy personality, but what baffles me more is that my mother is in a union, is pro-union, but still stupidly agrees that he doesn't need to get paid for the set-up. I know neither of them are bootlickers, but I can't help but think, “What is wrong with you two?”

My cousin has a franchise restaurant job where he has to sometimes open, so he gets there early before he's clocked in, as he needs 15 mins to set up shop, and I say he should be paid for this.
He doesn't agree, same with my Mom.

So he's giving his life away to this franchise for free, which is typical for him because of his wishy-washy personality, but what baffles me more is that my mother is in a union, is pro-union, but still stupidly agrees that he doesn't need to get paid for the set-up.

I know neither of them are bootlickers, but I can't help but think, “What is wrong with you two?”

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