
Several truths about corporate life

Fear and toxicity are a reason why many of us sufferer or are still suffering from our shit culture. Life isn’t fair. It’s not about what ya know. Playing by the rules means you will finish last and be the nice guy who gets friendzoned. Focus on what you want! Chase it, but learn the reality of it. Your worth to a company is based on if you can produce a service or product. Im sorry, but even if you’re an engineer, or medical professional, chances are, there’s 1000 candidates, and then there’s a William with a rich dad who has connections. American oligarchs control everything, good luck. It’s who ya know. Biden is in office cause of this, and his children and Yale-like network get top jobs and connections. Fairness is a lie. Don’t listen to these content creators who teach you liberal ideas. They are all from rich…

Fear and toxicity are a reason why many of us sufferer or are still suffering from our shit culture.

Life isn’t fair. It’s not about what ya know.

Playing by the rules means you will finish last and be the nice guy who gets friendzoned.

Focus on what you want! Chase it, but learn the reality of it.

Your worth to a company is based on if you can produce a service or product. Im sorry, but even if you’re an engineer, or medical professional, chances are, there’s 1000 candidates, and then there’s a William with a rich dad who has connections.

American oligarchs control everything, good luck. It’s who ya know. Biden is in office cause of this, and his children and Yale-like network get top jobs and connections. Fairness is a lie.

Don’t listen to these content creators who teach you liberal ideas. They are all from rich families and can afford to talk non sense. These ideas about “instant gratification” they promote aren’t founded in universal truth. They can afford to slack off and sit home cause parents are RICH.

There is wisdom in “college degree doesn’t mean anything any more.”

Companies want experience, and you to operate on their terms. Unless you’re a old boomer with 30 years and leverage, they won’t agree to your terms.

We were all conned – those of us who took loans to goto college. Most jobs are scary on the job description but not too bad.

Back in the 1800s college was for land owning legislators. It opened up to normal folks to create factory workers. Gen X was the last to benefit.

High school administrators are paid off by colleges and US govt to influence kids to go to college. Many don’t belong there.

At 18 years old you are a kid still. It’s better to live at home for 2-4 years then figure out your interests.

Greed and capitalism are the reason why your fancy degree can’t get you a job. Someone overseas does it cheaper.

College is not valuable if you take out more than 20k in loans, because the market is saturated.

Corporations don’t care about your life problems. Can you move to Wisconsin and start the 15th? If not, doesn’t matter, next!

Company says travel here, you go. Do this, you do it.

You don’t have a choice when you play into the system.

Debt is a form of force used to get you into the system, and the shitty culture is a reason why you are taught to fear and stay there.

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