
Severe Work Burnout

I’ve been at my job for over 14 years and I’m feeling so burned out that I don’t even know what to do anymore. I lay in bed at night dreading falling asleep because I know when I wake up I have to go to work. Lately I’ve been crying myself to sleep because I think that if it wasn’t for my husband and my dog that I’d rather just not be here anymore. That scares me so much. And I’m angry that I let a job get to me like this. I’m trying to find something new, but I just feel so run down and dejected. I feel like no other company would want me. I know a lot of that has to do with how beat down my current company has made me feel, but it doesn’t make things any easier. I’m overwhelmed with all of the tasks…

I’ve been at my job for over 14 years and I’m feeling so burned out that I don’t even know what to do anymore. I lay in bed at night dreading falling asleep because I know when I wake up I have to go to work. Lately I’ve been crying myself to sleep because I think that if it wasn’t for my husband and my dog that I’d rather just not be here anymore. That scares me so much. And I’m angry that I let a job get to me like this.

I’m trying to find something new, but I just feel so run down and dejected. I feel like no other company would want me. I know a lot of that has to do with how beat down my current company has made me feel, but it doesn’t make things any easier. I’m overwhelmed with all of the tasks at work that are piling up, that I’ll never get through everything. I end each day without the energy to spend any good amount of time job hunting. I feel like a failure.

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