
Sexism / Disorganization?

So I work as helpdesk at my second job. 90% or more of the company and office is male for some reason. Maybe this is not weird for you, but my last and first company was at least 50% women, and now I feel kinda surrounded. If you are a man, you probably would not understand the feeling unless you worked with all women before. Adding onto this feeling I already have whether it is valid or not… I have been training for the last few weeks, and all my trainers were also male, and I have been asking a lot of questions because I’m really bad at reading the room or getting things that are supposed to be assumed or deduced, so I have to ask extra questions to make sure of what is wanted. Well, they have been kind of acting weird as if they already answered the…

So I work as helpdesk at my second job. 90% or more of the company and office is male for some reason. Maybe this is not weird for you, but my last and first company was at least 50% women, and now I feel kinda surrounded. If you are a man, you probably would not understand the feeling unless you worked with all women before.
Adding onto this feeling I already have whether it is valid or not…
I have been training for the last few weeks, and all my trainers were also male, and I have been asking a lot of questions because I’m really bad at reading the room or getting things that are supposed to be assumed or deduced, so I have to ask extra questions to make sure of what is wanted. Well, they have been kind of acting weird as if they already answered the question and i just wasn’t listening when I literally rewatch the trainint videos multiple times. Like I will ask for clarification on something they said, and they will reply to the message I asked for clarification about as if I didn’t see it.
I also just get a weird vibe from the trainers in general. One of them even didn’t respond to a question I asked even though it is his job…
I introduced myself to a dude sitting next to me on the first day, and he smiled weirdly and tried to make me seem awkward as if I was bothering him. And now he never talks to me even though he sits right next to me which is really weird because he talks to all the other dudes sitting around us. I feel some sort of tension in the silence like he is about to whip in with some snarky passive aggression.
Today was extremely disorganized. Us trainees had been starting taking calls recently, and no one told us not to take calls this morning until we already got tickets. Then our team leader told us to keep taking calls even though our trainer literally said the opposite to not take calls at all. Serious lack of communication between the three parties involved and super unorganized morning.
Then, when I did have to take a ticket, I asked the team lead about it, and all he did was ask for the number. I asked him multiple times if I need to do anything to the ticket – even messaged in the training group chat what do I do – no response. Yet he was over helping the male trainee with his ticket for like an hour…
So yeah, those are the things that are making me quite alarmed about this job. I don’t know if/how I should start documenting things if they are turning out to be sexist – I would appreciate some insight if it does look that way or not because I know sometimes I can overthink things, but at least in this case it does seem to me something weird is going on. Plus I just have a weird feeling about it in general.

Of course I don’t want to jump to conclusions so that is why I’m asking for external opinions.

Also should I contact a higher up about the disorganization or would that be too much?

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