
Shady AF Termination – At Will States Suck

I am under NDA and stupid shit if I want to receive my severance. So, purposefully vague because if I gave details it would be easy to pinpoint who I am. I was recently 'laid off' from a company that was just acquired by a FAANG equivalent. Was with the company for about 18 months. The M&A happened about a year into it. In that year, I was promoted… along with 3 of 4 of my peers. The last one getting fired about 2 months ago for… pissing off the co-founder of the company. They said incompetence, put her through the whole rigmarole with write-ups and a PIP. But, really, it was because she pissed on the co-founder of the company. Also, over the last 2 months, there was a whole bunch of restructuring. We got a new CEO and he cleaned shop from the top down. I survived that…

I am under NDA and stupid shit if I want to receive my severance. So, purposefully vague because if I gave details it would be easy to pinpoint who I am.

I was recently 'laid off' from a company that was just acquired by a FAANG equivalent. Was with the company for about 18 months. The M&A happened about a year into it. In that year, I was promoted… along with 3 of 4 of my peers. The last one getting fired about 2 months ago for… pissing off the co-founder of the company. They said incompetence, put her through the whole rigmarole with write-ups and a PIP. But, really, it was because she pissed on the co-founder of the company.

Also, over the last 2 months, there was a whole bunch of restructuring. We got a new CEO and he cleaned shop from the top down. I survived that war of attrition and was actually starting the 'new hire' onboard for our new daddies. Signed offer letter and all. Maybe an employment agreement. I don't know. Not a lawyer and can't afford one. Our 'integration day' was supposed to be August 1. So, my offer letter stated my start date was the same.

Anyways, sorry for the bit of history leading up to the shady as fuck 'lay off'. As of a week ago, I was assigned to my new team. There was going to be a presentation about the new structure that outlined roles and responsibilities within the new teams. The same week that presentation was finalized the co-founder (same one mentioned above) was served with a Wrongful Termination – Discrimination Lawsuit by my former co-worker (don't blame her – they did her dirty). That same day, there was an emergency meeting of our C-Suite. That night, all the meetings to go over the new org structure were cancelled. Within the next 3 days, my co-workers (the ones promoted with me) were moved off to other departments and I was 'let go' as my position was 'no longer available'. My co-workers had been with the company for years, so I get why they were found new 'homes'. Some other shit going on, my new direct supervisor gets to stay, her BFF from her old company gets to stay and 'take over' my team. Anybody basically not named in the lawsuit (me and my 3 other coworkers) are safe.

So, now, I am jobless, and it is an at will state, so, like, I can't do shit about it. What really stings, is NOTHING they did changes the circumstances of the lawsuit. As that just covers from my co-workers start date to her termination. All they did was get rid of 'my department' and the positions within so they don't have to offer her the position back, since it doesn't exist anymore.

Just venting. I need to somewhere. Thanks for reading. #eattherich

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