
Sheriff Hiring Dept called to talk about my employment gaps, I ended up calling the lady a [B-word]

Don't normally lose my temper but this lady called me up for first time and goes straight into “there's a problem, you have employment gaps” in a rude voice. I was so in disbelief that she was even bringing that up, 20 seconds into a conversation with somebody. Like if its that big of an issue, don't call me. I lost my temper and said “you know what, nevermind, I don't want the job. Its rude to talk about employment gaps as in such a negative way. I said don't call again [B-word].”

Don't normally lose my temper but this lady called me up for first time and goes straight into “there's a problem, you have employment gaps” in a rude voice. I was so in disbelief that she was even bringing that up, 20 seconds into a conversation with somebody. Like if its that big of an issue, don't call me.

I lost my temper and said “you know what, nevermind, I don't want the job. Its rude to talk about employment gaps as in such a negative way. I said don't call again [B-word].”

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