
Should I ask for a demotion?

I graduated with a degree in marketing and started working in a warehouse. I worked hard and was very respected. After a few months I applied to move into a sales rep roll in the office and was hired in very fast. The role was nothing like what I anticipated. The company sells products I don’t believe will be successful long term and those products face political headwinds. The company is only 17 years old or so. I’ve been there for a little over a year. PROS The job isn’t physically hard at all. They pay my phone bill completely every month. I’ve gotten to travel to some pretty interesting places. I like my coworkers. CONS I don’t care for what we sell, but not caring about the products isn’t really a problem because my accounts are up drastically since I started. Higher than some other established reps. I don’t…

I graduated with a degree in marketing and started working in a warehouse. I worked hard and was very respected.

After a few months I applied to move into a sales rep roll in the office and was hired in very fast. The role was nothing like what I anticipated. The company sells products I don’t believe will be successful long term and those products face political headwinds. The company is only 17 years old or so. I’ve been there for a little over a year.

The job isn’t physically hard at all.
They pay my phone bill completely every month.
I’ve gotten to travel to some pretty interesting places.
I like my coworkers.

I don’t care for what we sell, but not caring about the products isn’t really a problem because my accounts are up drastically since I started. Higher than some other established reps. I don’t make commission and I’m pretty underpaid for the revenue I produce. The salary is under the US average for a similar role. It barely makes anymore money than my warehouse title did. When I travel on weekends occasionally, I don’t get extra compensation. Salary was presented as an advantage to me but turned out to be an advantage for them.

My boss is an actual alcoholic and makes an a** of himself regularly, especially on sales trips. I don’t feel respected in the office despite being on time and being a cordial person. I have even helped them with many projects outside of my job description. I tipped them off on some drastic overforcasting and was laughed at, then a few months later I turned out to be right. Now there is massive pressure on us to turnover inventory. Feels like there is more pressure on me as the newest guy even though I’m over performing.

Should I ask for a demotion if there isn’t a job readily available or should I stick it out for experience until I get another job? How should I ask? I imagine they would be shocked and maybe even angry with my request if I don’t word it to them correctly.

I’m only conflicted with this because this job has notably affected my self esteem, and has put me in some embarrassing situations that make me question my worth.

EDIT: I left one part out, and this actually prompted me to write this. Today they hired a new guy and they’re moving me to another desk to put him in my spot when there are many other open spots. wtf does this mean?

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