
Should I ask for a raise? Look elsewhere?

Hello everybody here is the context: So I work for a bank as an advisor. I got the job April 1st this year with an annual salary of 56k a year. My company has annual reviews of salaries in June every year (they use pay scales that every employee has access too) but seeing as I had just started in April I did not get an adjustment as I was still in training. I have now just about completed my 8th month at the company and I have been very successful with several key sales and discoveries for my specialists not to mention being asked questions from people who make more than me in other positions. Had I been hired lets say say November-December 2022 and arrived where I am now I would definitely be seeing an adjustment and I don't think its fair to stay at the minimum for…

Hello everybody here is the context:

So I work for a bank as an advisor. I got the job April 1st this year with an annual salary of 56k a year. My company has annual reviews of salaries in June every year (they use pay scales that every employee has access too) but seeing as I had just started in April I did not get an adjustment as I was still in training.
I have now just about completed my 8th month at the company and I have been very successful with several key sales and discoveries for my specialists not to mention being asked questions from people who make more than me in other positions.
Had I been hired lets say say November-December 2022 and arrived where I am now I would definitely be seeing an adjustment and I don't think its fair to stay at the minimum for another 7 months.

Should I try and ask for a salary review now? Or should I bite the bullet and wait another 9 months of getting the minimum? Or perhaps looks for another job?

TLDR – Bad hiring timing made me miss my salary review should I ask for one now or wait another 7 months.

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