
Should I be worried about getting fired for calling off in sick because my request for day off was not approved?

I am a graduate student and have 2 part time jobs making up a full time schedule and my purpose for this is to have more flexibility than just full time job. Last week, I asked my manager if I could have a day off this week because I have finals soon and I have a huge presentation due this week. She told me no because one of the part time staff I work with is on vacation for a month. She also mainly wants me there because I can translate for the patient demographic we have. My manager and boss always told me that school comes first before work even before I was hired. I called in sick for today because of the huge presentation. I work for a small clinic so there’s no way of avoid talking to her since I work with her directly. Should I be…

I am a graduate student and have 2 part time jobs making up a full time schedule and my purpose for this is to have more flexibility than just full time job. Last week, I asked my manager if I could have a day off this week because I have finals soon and I have a huge presentation due this week. She told me no because one of the part time staff I work with is on vacation for a month. She also mainly wants me there because I can translate for the patient demographic we have. My manager and boss always told me that school comes first before work even before I was hired. I called in sick for today because of the huge presentation. I work for a small clinic so there’s no way of avoid talking to her since I work with her directly. Should I be worried about getting fired?

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