
Should I bring up my concerns again?

So I work for a small business; locally owned, no HR, and employees deal with the owner head-on. The work itself is great, the coworkers are a dream, but the owner himself is…. well, not the most pleasant. He's quick to anger, unempathetic, completely full of himself, and just sees himself as above everyone. But the other day I had done some research on Windex before cleaning our dishware with it. Needless to say, there's a lot of stuff saying it's not recommended cause it can be toxic. We'd only just started using glass cleaner on our dishes a few days before, so it's a new thing we're doing. So I dusted the dishes instead and wiped them down with a clean paper towel; still cleaned them, just without Windex. Then I wrote in the closing email that I'd done that, just so he knew. He called the store my…

So I work for a small business; locally owned, no HR, and employees deal with the owner head-on. The work itself is great, the coworkers are a dream, but the owner himself is…. well, not the most pleasant.

He's quick to anger, unempathetic, completely full of himself, and just sees himself as above everyone.

But the other day I had done some research on Windex before cleaning our dishware with it. Needless to say, there's a lot of stuff saying it's not recommended cause it can be toxic. We'd only just started using glass cleaner on our dishes a few days before, so it's a new thing we're doing.

So I dusted the dishes instead and wiped them down with a clean paper towel; still cleaned them, just without Windex. Then I wrote in the closing email that I'd done that, just so he knew.

He called the store my next day in and asked me to read the email I'd written out loud to him. I kept asking if something was wrong or if I'd done something wrong, but he refused to answer me until I started reading. I got to the part about how I hadn't used Windex on the glasses, and he blew up at me.

He called me disrespectful, asking where I got the audacity to tell him how to run his business and when I'd become a Windex expert. I tried to speak but he kept interrupting me saying what people do with their glasses after purchase is none of our business and I was extremely rude and disrespectful. In the end, he said just to use the Windex on the dishware and not to say anything else about it.

I was just trying to air on the side of caution for our guests, I didn't think simply saying “hey I cleaned the dishes but without windex, because it could be toxic” would be so disrespectful. I'll accept if I really was so in the wrong, but should I say something about how he spoke to me?

TLDR; my boss blew up at me for saying I didn't clean the store's dishes with Windex because it could potentially be toxic. Should I talk to him about how he spoke to me?

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