
Should I call off work today?

Last Saturday I caught something and I was out of commission until Wednesday. I thought I was feeling better and all I had was congestion/a runny nose so I went into work. My work shifts are close to my home and only span an average of 3 hours. My boss even cut my shift to two hours on the Wednesday so I found it doable. But when I went in, by the end of my shift my entire nasal cavity was stuffed to the brim, which I was not expecting. Thursday (yesterday) was my day off and I was sporting a headache and congestion still. Instead of resting, I decided to push myself to workout. Unfortunately my headache was too bad for exercise so I went on a walk and read my book at a park instead. All the while I was sniffling and my nose was running like no…

Last Saturday I caught something and I was out of commission until Wednesday. I thought I was feeling better and all I had was congestion/a runny nose so I went into work.

My work shifts are close to my home and only span an average of 3 hours. My boss even cut my shift to two hours on the Wednesday so I found it doable. But when I went in, by the end of my shift my entire nasal cavity was stuffed to the brim, which I was not expecting.

Thursday (yesterday) was my day off and I was sporting a headache and congestion still. Instead of resting, I decided to push myself to workout. Unfortunately my headache was too bad for exercise so I went on a walk and read my book at a park instead. All the while I was sniffling and my nose was running like no one's business. When I came home, I pushed myself to clean and I got so fixated on it that I did it for FOUR HOURS. I had to wake up early this morning for a work shift so I am drained, and my congestion and headache are still there.

I have another work shift later today, this time for 3 hours. After that, I have to come home and immediately get to bed so I can wake up at 5am for an all-day event (not work-related) tomorrow. The thing is: I don't get fevers. At least not when I'm sick. So there's not medical basis for me to call in. I work with kids, and it's very hard for my boss to find a replacement for me. ….

Anyway: I feel like I'm conditioned to go into work unless I'm actively dying. Right now the phlegm is so bad it's making me gag. It's pathetic that my head is so clouded I'm asking Reddit for advice, but what do you guys think I should do?

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