
Should I call the HR hotline?

There's no HR office in the building I work in. I'm expected to go to my boss for grievances, but have to call the hotline if I have a complaint about my boss. By calling a distant third party to handle a toxic situation, I can't help but worry that any report I make is just going to make things worse. The main play is to quit after lining up a new job, but in the meantime, how can i go about this the right way? Is it worth even calling/emailing? Or am I better off reporting nothing?

There's no HR office in the building I work in. I'm expected to go to my boss for grievances, but have to call the hotline if I have a complaint about my boss.

By calling a distant third party to handle a toxic situation, I can't help but worry that any report I make is just going to make things worse.

The main play is to quit after lining up a new job, but in the meantime, how can i go about this the right way? Is it worth even calling/emailing? Or am I better off reporting nothing?

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