
Should I collect unemployment as an act of rebellion?

The company I work for is doing massive layoffs because their offices are empty most of the time – clients aren’t renewing their contracts with us because all of their employees prefer to do work from home than go back to the office. I’m getting laid off at the end of the year. I was thinking of going back to job hunting like I always do but I just don’t want to work for sh*t wages anymore. The wages are not keeping up with inflation so there’s no upward mobility. Also I don’t want the taxes on my wages to fund wars in foreign countries and bailout mega corporations. So I’m thinking as act of rebellion I’m not going to go look work, I’ ll just collect unemployment. I know the benefits won’t last and eventually I’ll have to back looking for work but damn it I want my voice…

The company I work for is doing massive layoffs because their offices are empty most of the time – clients aren’t renewing their contracts with us because all of their employees prefer to do work from home than go back to the office.

I’m getting laid off at the end of the year. I was thinking of going back to job hunting like I always do but I just don’t want to work for sh*t wages anymore. The wages are not keeping up with inflation so there’s no upward mobility.

Also I don’t want the taxes on my wages to fund wars in foreign countries and bailout mega corporations. So I’m thinking as act of rebellion I’m not going to go look work, I’ ll just collect unemployment. I know the benefits won’t last and eventually I’ll have to back looking for work but damn it I want my voice to be heard and if it means becoming a tax burden in times where labor is needed the most for these morally corrupt politicians and their oligarchs SO BE IT!

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