
Should I continue this Job?

Hey, I am 20 years old and I am currently working in a Esports Production Company. I am with them from last 2 years but I was doing some part time work from home and not getting paid, Inwas just collecting experience. Now I had some real bad health issues so I have to stop going to college, After 1 year of medication I am still not well. So I decided to quit my College and Start to work full time in this company. They called me at their bootcamp, offered me a pay of 120$, I know I shouldn't have agreed but I had no choice, The residence and Office is at same place, Its kind of like a startup. Food is free. They are giving me immense amount of work, I get to sleep 4 hours a day and everytime my condition gets worse. None else is doing…

Hey, I am 20 years old and I am currently working in a Esports Production Company. I am with them from last 2 years but I was doing some part time work from home and not getting paid, Inwas just collecting experience. Now I had some real bad health issues so I have to stop going to college, After 1 year of medication I am still not well. So I decided to quit my College and Start to work full time in this company. They called me at their bootcamp, offered me a pay of 120$, I know I shouldn't have agreed but I had no choice, The residence and Office is at same place, Its kind of like a startup. Food is free.

They are giving me immense amount of work, I get to sleep 4 hours a day and everytime my condition gets worse. None else is doing the work that I am doing. A lot of pressure and Recently I found out that a new guy, who dont know how to even work is getting more salary than me. He is my junior still he is getting. And Work Environment is not good for me. Everytime a thing goes wrong they just shout at me. Even when I am not guilty.

I dont what to do, I left my engineering degree for this and I am not getting even paid for that level. Should I leave the job? or should I continue? What do I do, I can still go to college and clear my backlogs and get a degree.

Please help me out and I am sorry if anything I did is wrong this is my first post.

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