
Should I drop the job before I start? Red flags already!

So, I'm in a spot where I've needed to gather quick jobs. One of the places I've picked is a fast food joint. Pay is basic, 14/hr. I'm a skilled worker, but I need something yesterday, so I applied and got in the door. However, I bike there today, which I bike everywhere right now, and the manager is supposed to help me with paperwork. I have very specific scheduling conflicts because of a better paying, better job, so we had to be specific about the time I can come in – it's just the basic W-2 type stuff; lo and behold, he isn't there. Such is this kind of work, but, frankly, I can get many other jobs in this town, and have been encouraged to apply to a number. Should I drop this one and just find something else? It should be noted that I'm a developer, and…

So, I'm in a spot where I've needed to gather quick jobs. One of the places I've picked is a fast food joint. Pay is basic, 14/hr. I'm a skilled worker, but I need something yesterday, so I applied and got in the door.

However, I bike there today, which I bike everywhere right now, and the manager is supposed to help me with paperwork. I have very specific scheduling conflicts because of a better paying, better job, so we had to be specific about the time I can come in – it's just the basic W-2 type stuff; lo and behold, he isn't there. Such is this kind of work, but, frankly, I can get many other jobs in this town, and have been encouraged to apply to a number. Should I drop this one and just find something else?

It should be noted that I'm a developer, and this manager has a business he's trying to get off the ground, so that's an extra opportunity bundled in if he truly bites. I've already agreed to develop the site, but we haven't continued with anything formal.

Worth moving on?

Other red flags are the pace of the work (notoriously awful) and the fact that it's a Christian org, which kinda scares me tbh.

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