
Should I leave a struggling mom-and-pop job for another job?

I just wanted some further insight on this situation because as a person and as an employee I feel horrible, but wanted to know how everyone else would act in this situation. So I work at a dental office that is privately owned, meaning the dentist is the owner, and his wife considers herself the office manager. They are both very sweet most of the time. I have over 3 years of dental experience, so I know how to deal with patients, the billing, insurance, check in and out, collections, etc. Doctor’s wife doesn’t know anything about running a dental office, this is her first time in such an environment. I helped them open about 4 months ago from scratch, like setting up the system myself and our policies. We only have 3-4 employees total, not including them. So I work in the front by myself mostly. I do the…

I just wanted some further insight on this situation because as a person and as an employee I feel horrible, but wanted to know how everyone else would act in this situation.

So I work at a dental office that is privately owned, meaning the dentist is the owner, and his wife considers herself the office manager. They are both very sweet most of the time. I have over 3 years of dental experience, so I know how to deal with patients, the billing, insurance, check in and out, collections, etc. Doctor’s wife doesn’t know anything about running a dental office, this is her first time in such an environment. I helped them open about 4 months ago from scratch, like setting up the system myself and our policies. We only have 3-4 employees total, not including them.

So I work in the front by myself mostly. I do the billing, insurance verification and billing, check in and out, treatment planning, and I open and close. His wife will come into the office everyday around 11am and leave around 2pm to pick up her kids and doesn’t come back. She says she comes to help, but really even when she is there, I have to answer all the calls and check in and out and treatment plan while she does other things for doctor. I feel super overwhelmed some days and it really gets to me. I get there at 7am and leave at 5pm with usually no lunch break or a super short lunch break. If I take a break, his wife will always call me to ask me questions. I once tried to call out because I wasn’t feeling well & they didn't let me because there was no one else who could work the front, and his wife was out of town. They know I am overwhelmed & have hired a couple people for the front but they only work 1-2 days a week and it’s both only for a few hours. They just keep hiring people with very limited availability just because they’ve known them… so they’ll work like 10 hours a week while I work 42 on average.

Although doctor’s wife has her toxic moments, she does tell me constantly how much she appreciates me and how lost they would be if I wasn’t there. Her and doctor gave me a raise a month ago after my 90 days for the great job I’ve been doing, without me having to ask for one.

But I’ve been interviewing at different offices because of how overwhelmed I’ve been feeling. And I got a job offer! It’s only a dollar more, but it’s closer to home. It’s more corporate, which I’ve been in before and have liked. I told them I’d let them know by Monday what I’d like to do and I would obviously like to take the offer and leave my current job.

The thing I am struggling with is telling my current job that I am putting in my 2 week notice – as no one is well versed in the front office at all except me. They don’t have anyone who can replace me right now.

I’m not sure what to do, or how to even bring it up to them if I decide to take the other job. Do I have it good and not realize it?

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