
Should I quit my 100k restaurant job?

Background- approaching 40 and have worked in restaurants from the ground up since I was 16. Been a multi unit training GM for over a decade and pretty much do everything for my current franchise. At this point like a district manager but still managing operations as well as we have only a half a dozen locations so the owner doesn’t feel the need of the solo position outside of opps only. Outside of opps I do or have done menu/promotion creation, contracts adds/changes, HR, eeoc, excel spreadsheet creation, power points, zoom calls, conf calls, social media guidance, systems, marketing, hiring upper/lower, pos updates, pos computer pricing/item changes, customer feedback management, handbook and liability advising, etc if you name it I’ve done it if it involves opening/running a multi unit restaurant business. I make 95-110k in east coast state which is probably the higher end in industry but you can…

Background- approaching 40 and have worked in restaurants from the ground up since I was 16. Been a multi unit training GM for over a decade and pretty much do everything for my current franchise. At this point like a district manager but still managing operations as well as we have only a half a dozen locations so the owner doesn’t feel the need of the solo position outside of opps only. Outside of opps I do or have done menu/promotion creation, contracts adds/changes, HR, eeoc, excel spreadsheet creation, power points, zoom calls, conf calls, social media guidance, systems, marketing, hiring upper/lower, pos updates, pos computer pricing/item changes, customer feedback management, handbook and liability advising, etc if you name it I’ve done it if it involves opening/running a multi unit restaurant business. I make 95-110k in east coast state which is probably the higher end in industry but you can get a job making 70-100k in almost any decent sales GM restaurant position. I’m really really good at what I do and crush a p&l. Though I’ve always been to tier at most things I do. They take care of me although I feel undervalued at times and I could probably not show to work for a month still get paid and not fired so lots of job security. I went to college for 1 year then could not afford it when I had my son who just graduated high school that will now will finish college in 3 years. So, I just worked to give him a better life but now he is shifting to adult land and I can take more risk.

Issue I have is my franchise is no longer expanding but the company continues to open different franchises which pulls my director in more directions continuously putting more responsibilities on me constantly for this franchise. They have been chatting for years about utilizing my skills on the outside more but it seems like it will never truly happen. Consensus would be if my boss ever left I’d take his job for sure but he’s only mid 50s and not going anywhere. I no longer enjoy going to work, I don’t necessarily hate my job but I hate managing the current lower income “job” vs “career” employee. I love leading and managing people with drive for growth but I have really strong work ethics which make it harder each year to deal with hourly employees in this industry. The amount of no show, attitude, entitlement, 3 month job hopping crap employees make crap customers feel like a ray of sunshine.

When people ask what I’m passionate about I have nothing to say really. Until last year I decided I’m passionate about leading people or running a business as I’ve been a leader at any job since I was 14 with a lawn mowing business so that must be my passion. My only hobby really is playing poker as I love analyzing things and people along with traveling at times. I’ve thought about opening my own business multiple times but can never decide on what’s worth taking the leap. My overall goal is not to be rich but have financial freedom.

Now I’m approaching 40s still managing 90% jobs and so over it. Not to mention an age will come I can no longer work in operations physically. I feel like I’m approaching the time in my life that I need to make moves or I will peak my career in life here. I can’t make less then 75k as it would be tough to survive and I never want to be poor again or adjust my house etc to maintain right now. So do I go back to school which is expensive to go into debt maybe not logical at this age, apply for district jobs elsewhere, change careers/industry somehow, build a business which I have no clue what to start or just continue to save money at a job I no longer enjoy to set myself up to be able to afford a pay cut job in my 50s and 60s.

Tldr: No longer like my 100k restaurant job heading into my 40s, no college degree, and no clue if I should leave it or get over my gripes by humbling myself. I appreciate any ideas or direction to stimulate my mind.

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