
should i quit on the spot?

i work at Acme in produce. I make $14.13 (min wage). my job is to cut fresh fruit and make bowls and trays, sounds fun right? An inexperienced coworker didn’t clean up correctly and for the next week i was left with a literal infestation of gnats. Everything i touched had a cloud of gnats coming at me. they were on the walls and ceiling and i have to work in that environment, cutting fruit that attracts the flies right to my face. We have 2 compost bins that are supposed to be emptied 3 times a week. the company that owns the bins always skips days and i’m left with cardboard boxes for fruit waste, that i have to take to the dumpster. this happens often. When they get a shipment of bad fruit they give it to me so i can “pick out the good pieces”. Everything is…

i work at Acme in produce. I make $14.13 (min wage). my job is to cut fresh fruit and make bowls and trays, sounds fun right?

An inexperienced coworker didn’t clean up correctly and for the next week i was left with a literal infestation of gnats. Everything i touched had a cloud of gnats coming at me. they were on the walls and ceiling and i have to work in that environment, cutting fruit that attracts the flies right to my face.

We have 2 compost bins that are supposed to be emptied 3 times a week. the company that owns the bins always skips days and i’m left with cardboard boxes for fruit waste, that i have to take to the dumpster. this happens often.

When they get a shipment of bad fruit they give it to me so i can “pick out the good pieces”. Everything is always moldy and i’m expected to pick through it in an attempt to salvage a couple good pieces, but it’s still contaminated even if it’s not directly touching the mold. it’s unsanitary. people are eating this!!

On top of everything, we’re severely understaffed. In fresh cut, it’s only me and 2 other girls. One girl goes to college and can only work saturday and sunday. The other is an old timer and gets tuesday’s and thursday’s off. This week they scheduled me for 9 days straight.

the last 2 weeks have been so incredibly exhausting. i asked my store director to transfer me to a different department and he told me to “hangout for a couple weeks” while he finds a replacement for me. i’m very unhappy and my favorite coworker left for his new job today and i don’t think i can take another 2 weeks of this. what should i do?

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