
Should I quit or will this come back to bite me?

I’m seriously considering ending my apprenticeship a year in. I work for a mid range law firm and things are just getting worse. I’m 20 and hate the subject I’m studying. I have another year of my apprenticeship and I’m not sure if I want to continue the in area I’m in. I have had 3 meetings with my head of team who has said I’m not moving quick enough. They have only had one apprentice before me and he has a degree, he is teaching me how to do the work most of the time. I have been told I’m further behind in my work than they expected me to be but I haven’t been told or given a plan of what I’m behind in or how far behind I am. In terms of my work checking in, they don’t really ask me anything about my studies, I just…

I’m seriously considering ending my apprenticeship a year in. I work for a mid range law firm and things are just getting worse. I’m 20 and hate the subject I’m studying.

I have another year of my apprenticeship and I’m not sure if I want to continue the in area I’m in. I have had 3 meetings with my head of team who has said I’m not moving quick enough. They have only had one apprentice before me and he has a degree, he is teaching me how to do the work most of the time. I have been told I’m further behind in my work than they expected me to be but I haven’t been told or given a plan of what I’m behind in or how far behind I am.

In terms of my work checking in, they don’t really ask me anything about my studies, I just get on with that myself.

I don’t really get along with the team either which doesn’t help, I try and ask for help but feel I am bothering them with questions as they make it known how busy they are.

If I leave I worry about how this will affect my next job. I don’t think I will leave unless I have something lined up, but I have also saved enough to travel, something I’ve really wanted to do, I just don’t feel supported there, they also are so back stabbing, they moan about eachother and are nice as pie to their faces. even if it’s going back into studies, I just want to get out. I also don’t know if I can stick this out for another year. I feel really stuck and I know this is probably bias too. I want to do well but now I’ve been spoken to 3 times I don’t think I will last another year, I’ve really tried hard to “get it”. I’m never late, I have had good words from clients, I just really don’t know where to go from here.

Edit- I’m also making just enough a month for rent and groceries, bills etc. I have looked at other/more flexible jobs where I could earn another 300/400 a month more if I leave and get another job.

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