
Should I quit without notice?

I work in a car dealership as a mechanic, and I've been in this company for a little over a year. About a month or two ago, I was promoted from the express lane to the main shop as a transmission tech apprentice. I thought I would really enjoy the work, but I've grown to despise it, and here's why: The company I work for feels corrupt as fuck. The upper management are totally out of touch with the lower people on the pole, and often treat us like trash. My direct manager I love, and he fights for us techs, but hardly ever makes any headway due to the stubborn upper management. The pay schedule is horrible as well, with pay periods running the first and second halves of the month. This sounds fine in concept, but it leaves the pay periods very inconsistent. Combine that with the fact…

I work in a car dealership as a mechanic, and I've been in this company for a little over a year. About a month or two ago, I was promoted from the express lane to the main shop as a transmission tech apprentice.

I thought I would really enjoy the work, but I've grown to despise it, and here's why:

The company I work for feels corrupt as fuck. The upper management are totally out of touch with the lower people on the pole, and often treat us like trash. My direct manager I love, and he fights for us techs, but hardly ever makes any headway due to the stubborn upper management.

The pay schedule is horrible as well, with pay periods running the first and second halves of the month. This sounds fine in concept, but it leaves the pay periods very inconsistent. Combine that with the fact that payroll is processed by just one person by hand, I usually get paid at minimum 2-3 days after the pay period has ended, sometimes longer if the period ends on a weekend. This leads me to never know for certain when I will be paid, or how much I'm going to be paid.

This has been my main source of stress from work, as where I live I pay over $1200/month just for my portion of housing expenses. Then factor in many other bills, and I feel like Im always on the cusp of never having the money to make ends meet AND be able to enjoy my life.

I've been considering quitting for a few weeks now, and I just got back from a week long vacation, followed by getting the flu for the week after that – making me miss two entire weeks. In those two weeks of not working, I've become extremely bitter and resentful to my work, and I'm entirely mentally checked out.

I'm honestly not sure if I can handle another month there, or even a few weeks. I've already sent out a few job applications to higher paying jobs that I think I'll enjoy more, and I'm dreading work so bad that I don't even want to sleep to give myself time to think about it.

So, should I quit without notice, and job hunt in my newfound free time? Or should I give a two weeks notice as to not potentially destroy my relationship with the company/my manager?

Tldr; I hate my job and almost every aspect about it. I struggle to make ends meet and I really need a higher paying job ASAP.

Should I quit tomorrow?

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