
Should I start lying about my education? How would recruiters know?

I was passed over for a promotion I'm more than qualified for simply because I don't have a bachelor's degree. I have multiple certifications, years using the systems necessary, and knowledge specific to the organization. But I don't have a bachelor's degree and for that reason I was deemed “unqualified”. I see shams and charlatans rising through the ranks every where I look. Fucking George Santos amirite? So if I start putting a bachelor's degree on my resume, would anyone ever find out?

I was passed over for a promotion I'm more than qualified for simply because I don't have a bachelor's degree. I have multiple certifications, years using the systems necessary, and knowledge specific to the organization. But I don't have a bachelor's degree and for that reason I was deemed “unqualified”.

I see shams and charlatans rising through the ranks every where I look. Fucking George Santos amirite? So if I start putting a bachelor's degree on my resume, would anyone ever find out?

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