
Should I stop overthinking and leave

-Company ive been with for almost 10 years is a retail establishment that employs part timers and full timers. When something happens with the part time employees their go to is to crack down on the full time employees. For example, one employee has gone down to one day a week sometimes two and one employee has been at one day a week for awhile and took off a whole month of work which is allowed and fine but my store manager had an assistant manager text me after I called out because I was vomiting and having stomach issues which led me to call out at 1 in the morning to the night crew not right before my shift or anything and say “Kevin (aka the store manager)says if youre serious about full time then he wants you to come in today no matter what and that I have…

-Company ive been with for almost 10 years is a retail establishment that employs part timers and full timers. When something happens with the part time employees their go to is to crack down on the full time employees. For example, one employee has gone down to one day a week sometimes two and one employee has been at one day a week for awhile and took off a whole month of work which is allowed and fine but my store manager had an assistant manager text me after I called out because I was vomiting and having stomach issues which led me to call out at 1 in the morning to the night crew not right before my shift or anything and say “Kevin (aka the store manager)says if youre serious about full time then he wants you to come in today no matter what and that I have to do 6 days a week strictly. I feel like thats wrong to make one employee fix all the other stores problems. Another employee no call no showed two days in a row and I cannot call out or work 5 days a week when no other employee gets spoken to about being late, calling out, leaving early.

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