
Should i take a job with red flags?

So I've been offered a permanent role at a place I've been temping at for a while. It's mainly reception cover with some office admin. The job is boring, but it pays the bills and I was only supposed to be there for another month more. Now, they want me to become their office manager and I have no previous experience. They've offered the most ridiculous pay package, so a small part of me thinks 'hey, just take it, even if you don't like it or know what you're doing'. But then a massive part of me is like 'if they want to pay you big bucks, they're gonna want you to basically be on-call 24/7, even on annual leave'. I also don't actually care about the jobs really – it was fine as a temp because it was like minimal responsibility, but now, I really don't want to have…

So I've been offered a permanent role at a place I've been temping at for a while. It's mainly reception cover with some office admin. The job is boring, but it pays the bills and I was only supposed to be there for another month more.

Now, they want me to become their office manager and I have no previous experience. They've offered the most ridiculous pay package, so a small part of me thinks 'hey, just take it, even if you don't like it or know what you're doing'. But then a massive part of me is like 'if they want to pay you big bucks, they're gonna want you to basically be on-call 24/7, even on annual leave'. I also don't actually care about the jobs really – it was fine as a temp because it was like minimal responsibility, but now, I really don't want to have to worry/care about fire risk assessments or ordering stationery.

I also don't really like a lot of the people working there – they're fine, but we're not socialising colleagues like at previous jobs. They also criticise me a lot and now, I've been trying to catch them out. Like, I'll order lunch for the office one day a week and just copy a order from like July, only for them to say 'ooh I wouldn't have pickup this place, you haven't ordered enough, the ratio of meat to vegan options isn't right' and for me to be like ' I just copied the order you did' and heard silence.

What do you all think – should I take the job?

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