
Should I tell them why I’m quitting, even though they haven’t asked?

I have been repeatedly let down and unsupported throughout my two year employment with the charity I work for. Next week is my last week and no one has asked me why I resigned, or has made any attempt to contact me and have a conversation about it. The possibility of an exit interview is laughable at this point, but I’ve got so much so say. There are so many fundamental flaws with the management, including some law breaking that they don’t know I know about. I feel frustrated that they don’t seem to care about why I’m leaving. And I won’t get a chance to tell higher management my feedback about my direct manager. And on the flip side- maybe it’s not worth my time, and they don’t deserve any of my input.. it’s a conundrum.

I have been repeatedly let down and unsupported throughout my two year employment with the charity I work for.
Next week is my last week and no one has asked me why I resigned, or has made any attempt to contact me and have a conversation about it. The possibility of an exit interview is laughable at this point, but I’ve got so much so say.

There are so many fundamental flaws with the management, including some law breaking that they don’t know I know about. I feel frustrated that they don’t seem to care about why I’m leaving. And I won’t get a chance to tell higher management my feedback about my direct manager.

And on the flip side- maybe it’s not worth my time, and they don’t deserve any of my input..
it’s a conundrum.

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