
Should there be a net worth cap on politicians?

I see a lot of discussions on how to reduce the disparity between politicians and the average citizens of their country. While I admit I haven't exactly taken the time to thoroughly research the most common solutions, on this subreddit I've mostly seen talk of age caps, term limits, no stocks, and ending lobbying. I have to wonder though, wouldn't the best way to ensure our countries leaders truly understand the plight of the working man, be to simply say if you have to much money you just can't lead a country? If your net worth is to high you can't be a member of Congress, and if your net worth gets to high in Congress you're replaced, some shit like that. I'm curious how controversial this idea will be, especially since in my experience with this subreddit there are 2 types of people. The extreme radicals, and those who…

I see a lot of discussions on how to reduce the disparity between politicians and the average citizens of their country. While I admit I haven't exactly taken the time to thoroughly research the most common solutions, on this subreddit I've mostly seen talk of age caps, term limits, no stocks, and ending lobbying.

I have to wonder though, wouldn't the best way to ensure our countries leaders truly understand the plight of the working man, be to simply say if you have to much money you just can't lead a country? If your net worth is to high you can't be a member of Congress, and if your net worth gets to high in Congress you're replaced, some shit like that.

I'm curious how controversial this idea will be, especially since in my experience with this subreddit there are 2 types of people. The extreme radicals, and those who are actually quite against any even slightly radical change, but really hate their jobs. Guess which one I am.

EDIT: Also since the first people to respond to these posts of mine are always the second type, I'll clarify right now. Yes, I'm young, I'm 19, sue me. No, I am not claiming this is the perfect solution to all of societies problems. Like all my posts, this is simply the start of a discussion.

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