
Should you prioritise your job or your career?

I'm a lawyer, but at the place I'm working in there are lots of dry spells. So they can go weeks without getting any work and then one week they'll have work back to back. Irrespective of the work, I know that this job isn't great for my career. I'm not learning anything here, I'm not getting experience I can put on my CV. So far, the past four weeks have been me sitting on a seat and staring at the screen for 9 hours while doing nothing. The pros for this are that I'm not mentally ready to be at a fast paced job, so this works I guess. I dont have to work at home so if I leave work, I leave. They won't call me at 10pm and tell me to draft a case note like they did in my last job. There's also the office. It's…

I'm a lawyer, but at the place I'm working in there are lots of dry spells. So they can go weeks without getting any work and then one week they'll have work back to back.

Irrespective of the work, I know that this job isn't great for my career. I'm not learning anything here, I'm not getting experience I can put on my CV. So far, the past four weeks have been me sitting on a seat and staring at the screen for 9 hours while doing nothing.

The pros for this are that I'm not mentally ready to be at a fast paced job, so this works I guess. I dont have to work at home so if I leave work, I leave. They won't call me at 10pm and tell me to draft a case note like they did in my last job.

There's also the office. It's a shared work space so it's one of the absolute best places I've ever been to for work. It's air conditioned, the bathrooms are clean, there's a place to pray, there's a cafe to eat in, and the staff is really nice. Best part of all, it's my first paid job. Unlike freelancing, it's consistent, predictable income.

The cons are that I feel like I'm losing any semblance of intelligence I had sitting here doing nothing. I feel like a waste of space. I've gotten so lazy I don't even want to do work, which isn't like me. And I know that because of the lack of work I'm not learning anything here.

People keep sending me jobs to apply for that would be better for me in the long run, career wise. I'm not applying for other jobs because I'm grateful for the work environment. I don't want to leave this place and go back to a job where I'm treated like shit and unpaid. But I keep second guessing my decision to stay because what if I dont get good jobs after this because I'm 25 and dont have the work experience my juniors have?

I'm compromising my career for the sake of mental peace and comfort, but I don't know if that's the right move to make

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