
Sick leave and using it

For context I live in a country with 10 days sick leave annually and work at a company with a policy to work from home when sick if you’re able to work so you don’t spread the sickness in the office. But no, I just had the worst flu of my life and had to take sick leave because of my coworkers who refused to stay at home and subsequently knocked out half the team with the same flu. I’m so angry because we have sick leave and we can work from home while sick. But the toxic attitude to work through illness and be in the office prevails.

For context I live in a country with 10 days sick leave annually and work at a company with a policy to work from home when sick if you’re able to work so you don’t spread the sickness in the office.

But no, I just had the worst flu of my life and had to take sick leave because of my coworkers who refused to stay at home and subsequently knocked out half the team with the same flu.

I’m so angry because we have sick leave and we can work from home while sick. But the toxic attitude to work through illness and be in the office prevails.

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