
Sick of Corporate and want a proper job

Some background. I started my career as a trade person (carpenter and builder), but around 10 years ago made a transition to construction management, starting at a low-ish level and working my way up to senior management positions in large companies which have quite a corporate environment. Most recently taken a consultant position fully office based and client focused. Over the past 2 year or so, I’ve had a growing urge to go back on the tools as a carpenter. I think one of the main reasons behind this is the urge to actually do real productive work rather than sitting in front of a computer screen all day doing questionable tasks that are pointless and don’t really add or create any value for anybody. I sometimes question if my current job is really needed or simply a manufactured position to extract some $ from high value construction projects. I…

Some background. I started my career as a trade person (carpenter and builder), but around 10 years ago made a transition to construction management, starting at a low-ish level and working my way up to senior management positions in large companies which have quite a corporate environment. Most recently taken a consultant position fully office based and client focused.

Over the past 2 year or so, I’ve had a growing urge to go back on the tools as a carpenter. I think one of the main reasons behind this is the urge to actually do real productive work rather than sitting in front of a computer screen all day doing questionable tasks that are pointless and don’t really add or create any value for anybody. I sometimes question if my current job is really needed or simply a manufactured position to extract some $ from high value construction projects. I often look around the office and ask myself if any of the jobs are really needed and would anyone even notice if this company didn’t exist.

Another reason I think I might feel like this is my health. Sitting on my ass all day, drinking 3 coffees a day, often lunching out, regular drinking etc. Anxiety has increased significantly over the past few years. I think a physical job could be great for my health both physically and mentally

Anybody else made a similar switch ?

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