
Sick of my micromanaging boss

I'm just here to rant I guess. Insert obligatory “I'm on mobile” comment. Been reading the sub for a while, first time posting. I work as a housekeeping supervisor at a hospital. We're short staffed (no surprise there because the boss is a complete psycho who is TERRIBLE at screening interviewees, and also makes paper trails on people he doesn't like so he can fire them – done this 4 times just in the 4 years I've been there (3 were fired and one left), but that's another story, oh I have so many stories) so I'm regularly filling in for whoever isn't there, which is fine. At the end of our shift, supervisors are required to write up an email detailing what got done during the shift, any issues, etc. My boss never reads them. He's constantly asking me questions which I answer with “as I stated in my…

I'm just here to rant I guess. Insert obligatory “I'm on mobile” comment. Been reading the sub for a while, first time posting.

I work as a housekeeping supervisor at a hospital. We're short staffed (no surprise there because the boss is a complete psycho who is TERRIBLE at screening interviewees, and also makes paper trails on people he doesn't like so he can fire them – done this 4 times just in the 4 years I've been there (3 were fired and one left), but that's another story, oh I have so many stories) so I'm regularly filling in for whoever isn't there, which is fine. At the end of our shift, supervisors are required to write up an email detailing what got done during the shift, any issues, etc.

My boss never reads them. He's constantly asking me questions which I answer with “as I stated in my email from that night…” It pisses me off. Why do I write the email if you don't read it? There was literally one night where I stated in the first line of the email that “X employee was in Y department,” and he replied to the email TWO DAYS LATER, “who was in Y department this night?” My reply was along the lines of “as I wrote in this specific line of the email, visible underneath your message…”

Now he's taken to calling me toward the end of my shift every night to ask what everyone has done for the night. This would be fine, if I wasn't busy for my entire 8 hour shift trying to condense things that normally take an entire 8 hour shift down into 3 hours because he wants me to do 2 different people's jobs in the span of one shift, and therefore too busy to go babysit adult workers and constantly harass them about what extra duties they're doing for the night in between their assigned duties. Like dude, I ask them at the end of the night and put it in my email, not to mention you also require them to write it on their assignment sheets throughout the night, and you could look at it yourself the next day. I'm not following grown-ass adults around for their entire shift to see what they're doing. If you don't trust them to work independently then you shouldn't have hired them.

Checking on them occasionally when I'm not busy trying to clean an entire department by myself, yeah, fine, I get that. Make sure they don't need help with anything, make sure they don't have any concerns, and I regularly do that anyway. But I cannot do it if you expect me to take somebody's 8 hour shift and try to do it in less than half that time and still do it to your standard while also trying to do that with a second person's job as well, all in the span of the same 8 hours because we're not allowed to have OT either because the hospital has zero money.

I'm regularly looking for other jobs, but nothing pays the rate this job pays, and it's 10 minutes from my house. I can't take anything less than what I make because I barely even make enough to cover everything I need to cover, and I live in the middle of nowhere so there's not many options less than a 30 minute drive. Most of what's in my area requires degrees and certificates I don't have and can't get (although right now I'm working on some IT certificates because I'm good with computers and technology anyway). Anything with any kind of commute would require at least a couple dollars more than what I get, but nobody wants to pay more than $13/hour for “unskilled” work and I make $17.25 for what would be a fantastic job if not for this micromanaging asshat. I like the job and the people I work with, I just cannot stand the boss.

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