
Signed offer letter. Now employer trying to get me to back out.

Public agency. I accepted an offer that is slightly below my current pay but with COLA in January, would have been equal to current pay. Lower cost of living area. Job title is same as current position (permit coordinator). They called me last week and said results of their pay and classification study did not support COLA and they could not get authorization to increase base pay. Then said I should not have reached out to engineering manager to discuss how my position coordinates with them (which it does with my current position), and asked if I had not spoken with guy who has vacated position (I did) who “should have explained things”. They say they “wouldn't blame” me for backing out. I'm disappointed, but said the growth prospects are strong enough to keep me interested. Truth is I am pissed. I have heard of people rescinding offers but never…

Public agency. I accepted an offer that is slightly below my current pay but with COLA in January, would have been equal to current pay. Lower cost of living area. Job title is same as current position (permit coordinator). They called me last week and said results of their pay and classification study did not support COLA and they could not get authorization to increase base pay. Then said I should not have reached out to engineering manager to discuss how my position coordinates with them (which it does with my current position), and asked if I had not spoken with guy who has vacated position (I did) who “should have explained things”. They say they “wouldn't blame” me for backing out. I'm disappointed, but said the growth prospects are strong enough to keep me interested. Truth is I am pissed. I have heard of people rescinding offers but never them trying to pressure YOU to back out. Especially since it leaves them with gaping holes in their staffing.

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