
Signs of silent retaliation. My boss hits on everyone of these signs and fullly admits to compliance he is doing these things after he full on lied to compliance stating he had 5 colleagues complain about me in three weeks.

Withholding coaching, feedback, or professional development opportunities Withholding resources for a project or division Intentionally giving a challenging assignment with little support or giving a challenging assignment that’s destined to fail Discouraging others from listening to or valuing a team member’s voice, expertise, or contributions Excluding a team member from essential meetings or withholding information that’s essential to their job function

Withholding coaching, feedback, or professional development opportunities
Withholding resources for a project or division
Intentionally giving a challenging assignment with little support or giving a challenging assignment that’s destined to fail
Discouraging others from listening to or valuing a team member’s voice, expertise, or contributions
Excluding a team member from essential meetings or withholding information that’s essential to their job function

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