
simply stuck

I've worked in the same field for 18 years and make what I would call an almost passable salary. Two of my six coworkers suck, one good cw is leaving soon, one I hardly ever see, and two are new to the job. I start ass early so my sleep schedule is constantly screwed up. I don't have a degree in anything and can't afford to spend the money to get one. Needing a change, I signed up for an online class to get a kind of certification and it started really well but work eats up so much of my energy that I'm falling behind which just makes me more miserable. It's like there's a light at the end of a tunnel, but the tunnel is full of rats and spiders and snakes. And they're all Australian. I know I've not had it as rough as some, but sweet…

I've worked in the same field for 18 years and make what I would call an almost passable salary. Two of my six coworkers suck, one good cw is leaving soon, one I hardly ever see, and two are new to the job. I start ass early so my sleep schedule is constantly screwed up. I don't have a degree in anything and can't afford to spend the money to get one.
Needing a change, I signed up for an online class to get a kind of certification and it started really well but work eats up so much of my energy that I'm falling behind which just makes me more miserable. It's like there's a light at the end of a tunnel, but the tunnel is full of rats and spiders and snakes. And they're all Australian.
I know I've not had it as rough as some, but sweet Jebus it's no wonder so many people are depressed.
What the hell do people do to stay motivated when 40 hours of every week are designed to smush you into a little ball?

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