
Since there is alot of conversation about interviewers or jerks hiring disrespecting applicants. I got a story

This happened a few years ago when I was kinda newish in my carreer and didn't have the certifications or connections like I do now. I had been laid off from higher skilled job which paid well and really taught me alot because the head office decided they wanted to close the manufacturing shop in Canada. The union which represented my old employer called me to tell me that this other manufacturing shop was looking for someone. I applied for the job by sending my resume to the shop manager, a few days later the shop manager contacts me to tell me he hasn't read my resume, and that he doesn't have time. So I told him to let me come in for a job test which he reluctantly agreed upon becauase he's a busy guy. When I showed up for the job test/interview I was greeted by this guy…

This happened a few years ago when I was kinda newish in my carreer and didn't have the certifications or connections like I do now. I had been laid off from higher skilled job which paid well and really taught me alot because the head office decided they wanted to close the manufacturing shop in Canada. The union which represented my old employer called me to tell me that this other manufacturing shop was looking for someone. I applied for the job by sending my resume to the shop manager, a few days later the shop manager contacts me to tell me he hasn't read my resume, and that he doesn't have time. So I told him to let me come in for a job test which he reluctantly agreed upon becauase he's a busy guy.

When I showed up for the job test/interview I was greeted by this guy who looked like a poster boy for alcoholism and sleeze. He wouldn't shake my hand and proceeded to tell me how he only wants skilled workers in his shop and how i don't have what it takes to work for him. Said I look like a p*ssy, me Bing young and kinda scared said well give me this job test, which he flat out told me 'No you don't look like you know what you're doing' and how he's short staffed and can't find anyone good enough. This pissed me off because I drove 45min through traffic to meet this asshole. I then told him hes a fucking idiot and if he spent the time to read my resume he would see I had enough experience working in the industry, which I did higher end work than he would ever know and that he's wasting my fucking time, and how no one should work for him. I then left pretty pissed off.

Week later he phones me says he read my resume and wants me to come in and start next week. I told him to fuck himself and hung up.

Years later I met a new coworker who had just left that place because it went under. Asked him how he liked working there and told me how the shop manager was a psyco who was eventually fired for sabotaging production and people's work. Also the guy would bring people in for job interviews to just insult them and brag about it later. The company never recovered from this idiot manager and had gone out of business.

Shitty people on shitty ego trips can ruin a business.

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