
Sketchy severance terms

My company is merging with another (but is essentially being bought out)I’ve been at this company for 15 years. We were told we would have to interview for our own job positions. I received an offer for 10k less than I make at my company now. I went in and proposed that I work a 4 day work week due to the decrease in pay, and also because I just recovered from a major surgery and need a day for all of my residual doc appointments. They came back a week later and have rescinded their offer entirely. The severance situation with my soon to be former company is as follows: If we were offered a position at the new company we would get a 4 week sign on bonus as a thank you from our company . If we were offered the position and DECLINED it, we would get…

My company is merging with another (but is essentially being bought out)I’ve been at this company for 15 years.

We were told we would have to interview for our own job positions.

I received an offer for 10k less than I make at my company now.

I went in and proposed that I work a 4 day work week due to the decrease in pay, and also because I just recovered from a major surgery and need a day for all of my residual doc appointments.

They came back a week later and have rescinded their offer entirely.

The severance situation with my soon to be former company is as follows:

If we were offered a position at the new company we would get a 4 week sign on bonus as a thank you from our company .

If we were offered the position and DECLINED it, we would get a week’s severance per every two years at the company as a fuck you from our company.

If we were not offered a position at all,
We would get a week’s severance per every year.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but because they rescinded their offer, aren’t I entitled to the week per every year severance now?
Any legal advice would be much appreciated.

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