
Skill trades bad?

I was talking to a few of my old highschool buddies the other day and we got onto the topic of jobs. Alot of them were complaining about their job and how shitty it was and the pay being terrible. Several of them work at Homedepot, one being a manager. I suggested maybe they could give my skill trade a try and I know a few companies that are always looking for new employees. I felt things get awkward because one of them went off on a rant about it being worse conditions than what they have to deal with. Which I can understand not wanting to work out in the heat or doing heavy labor. But I tried to explain to them how not all places are the same and especially not all skill trades. Then he went off on another tangent about it. I zoned out at this…

I was talking to a few of my old highschool buddies the other day and we got onto the topic of jobs. Alot of them were complaining about their job and how shitty it was and the pay being terrible. Several of them work at Homedepot, one being a manager. I suggested maybe they could give my skill trade a try and I know a few companies that are always looking for new employees. I felt things get awkward because one of them went off on a rant about it being worse conditions than what they have to deal with. Which I can understand not wanting to work out in the heat or doing heavy labor. But I tried to explain to them how not all places are the same and especially not all skill trades. Then he went off on another tangent about it. I zoned out at this point because he just wasn't making a whole lot of since.

Everytime I try and talk to people about my job I feel like they think I'm bullshitting them or they assume all skill trades are heavy labor or they just don't pay a living wage. Maybe it's just my group of friends or maybe I'm out of touch?

I'm curious to know what are people's view of skill trades from an outside prospective?

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