
Slow march back to the office…

Just had an email from the top dogs stating that our 40% office policy is moving to 60% – so three days instead of two in office. We’ve been working from home for three years, coming into the office two days a week. It works. There was no drop in productivity, if anything more gets done. Anybody slacking off at home was also slacking off in the office, so no noticeable difference. The rest of us are happy to put in an extra hour or so here and there because we’re not commuting. Net gain, not loss. There is no need or benefit in requiring bums on seats in office an extra day a damn week. And to top it off, the email included the sentence ‘this is, of course, not a long weekend’. There’s no need to infantilise us by assuming we do not know that work from home…

Just had an email from the top dogs stating that our 40% office policy is moving to 60% – so three days instead of two in office.

We’ve been working from home for three years, coming into the office two days a week. It works. There was no drop in productivity, if anything more gets done.

Anybody slacking off at home was also slacking off in the office, so no noticeable difference. The rest of us are happy to put in an extra hour or so here and there because we’re not commuting. Net gain, not loss. There is no need or benefit in requiring bums on seats in office an extra day a damn week.

And to top it off, the email included the sentence ‘this is, of course, not a long weekend’.

There’s no need to infantilise us by assuming we do not know that work from home involves actual working. Insult to bloody injury.

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