
Small business, illegal labor practice, and the IRS

So if you like me have ever worked for a shitty small business that thinks they’re above the law you do have some options. I recently was laid off, even tho I’m a great employee based on a popularity contest. The owner knew what he did was wrong and this also happened after a death in my family which he knew about. But here’s the kicker: he was paying me cash under the table, not putting into workman’s comp or any of that. And I’m an educated person who is well aware of labor laws. I didn’t want to do it but I reported him to the IRS and state department of labor. Here’s what happens: If a business is making over 500k a year the IRS will actually do an audit and look into them. If they find they have not paid taxes you have a solid chance of…

So if you like me have ever worked for a shitty small business that thinks they’re above the law you do have some options. I recently was laid off, even tho I’m a great employee based on a popularity contest. The owner knew what he did was wrong and this also happened after a death in my family which he knew about. But here’s the kicker: he was paying me cash under the table, not putting into workman’s comp or any of that. And I’m an educated person who is well aware of labor laws. I didn’t want to do it but I reported him to the IRS and state department of labor. Here’s what happens:

If a business is making over 500k a year the IRS will actually do an audit and look into them. If they find they have not paid taxes you have a solid chance of getting a REWARD. This reward can be anywhere from 15-30% of what a business owes the IRS. In my case I estimate I’ll get well over 20k. It was a tree company grossing 20k at least a week. And everyone there was basically paid cash.

Moral of the story is know the laws and know that if you do in fact get fucked over and can’t receive unemployment. You might potentially get a major payout for reporting shady business practices.

So if you work for a small business or any business and you see cash at any point make a note of it. If you don’t fill out a W-2 make a note of it. You never know what that information could be worth. The reward from this could potentially pay all my student loan debt.. and to think all he had to do was treat me with a modicum of respect. Fuck em’.

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