
small business owners are destroying america

so tired of hearing about how we're all supposed to dicksuck small business owners- who throughout the rest of this post i will be referring to as small business tyrants. all these fuckin people do is get tax breaks (that we pay for), underpay their workers and get away with it because “i can't afford to im a small business owner!!!!” and then they treat their workers like absolute fucking dog shit on top of that. the more intelligent ones will at least treat their workers nicely on a personal level so the obscene wealth extraction and profiteering isn't so apparent to their workers. how many of these people got tens of thousands upon tens of thousands of dollars in free money from the government during covid, yet they still can't pay their workers? they still can't give their workers sick pay. yeah they can afford vacations every 5 months…

so tired of hearing about how we're all supposed to dicksuck small business owners- who throughout the rest of this post i will be referring to as small business tyrants.

all these fuckin people do is get tax breaks (that we pay for), underpay their workers and get away with it because “i can't afford to im a small business owner!!!!” and then they treat their workers like absolute fucking dog shit on top of that. the more intelligent ones will at least treat their workers nicely on a personal level so the obscene wealth extraction and profiteering isn't so apparent to their workers.

how many of these people got tens of thousands upon tens of thousands of dollars in free money from the government during covid, yet they still can't pay their workers? they still can't give their workers sick pay. yeah they can afford vacations every 5 months and starbucks every morning and buying lunch every day (stop drinking coffee and you could afford a house btw!!!!) and they can afford to get their homes remodeled but they can't afford to pay their workers enough to even rent an apartment

fuck your small business. you're not creating jobs. you're creating poor people.

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