
Small business suck

Doing a mature age electrical apprenticeship. Decided to join a small business in my 3rd year. The company is tiny, only 3 of us. Me, the owner and another 3rd year (owners mate). The owner is cheap as hell and can’t keep workers. Me the idiot decided to accept his offer. ( I thought small business would look after you more) oh boy was I wrong. This guy under pays you for weekend work. His reasoning is because his boss did it to him during his apprenticeship. Umm okay so now you do it to your employees? You can’t find people or keep them, so you under pay your current employees? He will want you to go to the factory one hour before work and grab materials, this isn’t paid for. Same with end of work. Factory to drop stuff of. Then it gets even worst. His mate, the other…

Doing a mature age electrical apprenticeship. Decided to join a small business in my 3rd year. The company is tiny, only 3 of us. Me, the owner and another 3rd year (owners mate). The owner is cheap as hell and can’t keep workers. Me the idiot decided to accept his offer. ( I thought small business would look after you more) oh boy was I wrong. This guy under pays you for weekend work. His reasoning is because his boss did it to him during his apprenticeship. Umm okay so now you do it to your employees? You can’t find people or keep them, so you under pay your current employees? He will want you to go to the factory one hour before work and grab materials, this isn’t paid for. Same with end of work. Factory to drop stuff of. Then it gets even worst. His mate, the other 3rd year is worst then the owner. This guy has dementia or pretends he does,(he plays dumb and can’t remember anything apparently)he will try and throw you on his jobs that he has fucked up to try and blame it on you. Since his the owners mate, who you think his going to believe? I couldn’t take it there anymore. I lasted 5 months then quit. Boss told me not to come in. Thank fuck that place was soul destroying. There’s a lot more to add but yeh will take all day typing everything out. So yeh fuck small business, these guys need help but they just fuck you over.

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