
Small town bank resignation

Worked at a small town bank. We were short staffed (had to have 2 people in the bank, only had 3 employees for our location). I had a wedding and had put in a month in advance request for a couple days off. (Checked coworkers schedules before). Hr fought me saying they couldn’t guarantee a month out PTO due to staffing needs. Mind you I was riding with a couple friends from college, we had to book an air bnb for a place to stay, and they were in the wedding so they had to be there on Wednesday night. The week of the wedding a co worker quits on the spot. Hr calls me and says they can’t honor my pto request. I have a very strongly worded conversation and finally they agree to send a teller from another location to cover. I already wasn’t happy with the bank…

Worked at a small town bank. We were short staffed (had to have 2 people in the bank, only had 3 employees for our location). I had a wedding and had put in a month in advance request for a couple days off. (Checked coworkers schedules before). Hr fought me saying they couldn’t guarantee a month out PTO due to staffing needs. Mind you I was riding with a couple friends from college, we had to book an air bnb for a place to stay, and they were in the wedding so they had to be there on Wednesday night. The week of the wedding a co worker quits on the spot. Hr calls me and says they can’t honor my pto request. I have a very strongly worded conversation and finally they agree to send a teller from another location to cover.

I already wasn’t happy with the bank and had looked for other opportunities. While at the wedding I received a really strong job offer, so that Monday morning following the wedding, I emailed Hr with my two weeks notice. The gal I worked with normally was taking a week off 3 weeks from when I put in my resignation. They proceed to tell me they were not going to accept my resignation until after that, that the teller who covered for me and I were to work the week the gal was gone.

I let them know that staffing was there problem and they would have to figure it out on there own. I finished out my two weeks, packed all my stuff, and didn’t show up for that 3rd week. They told me the pto I had earned left, they weren’t going to pay. After doing my research I knew they couldn’t withhold my earned pto, and got ahold of the states banker association and let them know what was going on with a copy of my resignation letter, my earned pto statement (could view online). The bankers association told me they would handle it, and a few weeks later I received a check for all of my earned pto balance.

Talk about a shitshow of a bank, I am so glad I got out of there.

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