
Sneaky Hour Adjustments

Hi all, I’ve been working as a server part-time to get me through school for about three years now. The restaurant industry can be a super shady place with horrific worker treatment, and I’ve gotten pretty fed up. Not only have I never had a break the past three years in the industry, but I’m been employed by company’s that love to cut corners and get every last cent back into their own pockets. Last night, I clocked into my shift at 4:50 and left at 11:10.. This morning I check and my hours have been approved from 5-11.. I look back in past shifts in the app, and see all my clock-in and out times have been perfectly rounded. It seems to me that unbeknownst to me, I’ve been getting cut out of probably 20 minutes of work every single fucking shift. To make it worse, the way they…

Hi all, I’ve been working as a server part-time to get me through school for about three years now. The restaurant industry can be a super shady place with horrific worker treatment, and I’ve gotten pretty fed up. Not only have I never had a break the past three years in the industry, but I’m been employed by company’s that love to cut corners and get every last cent back into their own pockets.

Last night, I clocked into my shift at 4:50 and left at 11:10.. This morning I check and my hours have been approved from 5-11.. I look back in past shifts in the app, and see all my clock-in and out times have been perfectly rounded. It seems to me that unbeknownst to me, I’ve been getting cut out of probably 20 minutes of work every single fucking shift. To make it worse, the way they have done it so it’s just a bit here and there, has made me feel almost embarrassed to bring it up; like I’m the one being cheap or something.

I decided to text my manager and say , “Hey again, I wasn’t sure who could help me this issue but I wanted to give you a heads up. I noticed a few times that my hours have been adjusted on Push. Last night I clocked in to work at 4:50 and left at 11:10, but the app shows 5:00 for clock-in and 11 for clock-out. I thought I should let you know and see if you could help me look into it. Thank you !”

I’ll update the response, but I’m honestly just feeling really ripped off. Not to mention, I was hired for a position I don’t even work as, tip sharing is super shady and I have no idea how it’s being calculated. And all around I feel like I’m getting fucked. I only have three more shifts there, as it’s a summer job, but I feel just kinda gross and at a loss.

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