
So… Breaks

So I've never had a job with “breaks” before. Now to be fair the only other jobs I've had where: being paid with food, fabric, and the occasional $20 doing tech things for community theater & being a substitute teacher. For neither of these jobs did I have to punch a time clock… Nor did I have breaks where I wasn't expected to drop everything and help. But now I have a 9-5 “office” job (call center), and during training taking my breaks was easy because everyone would leave the room and trickle back in. But now that I'm at my own cubicle I struggle to remember I'm due for a 15 until it's after my scheduled lunch. I'm trying to do my best to remember, but the notification that pops up will show up 15 minutes before my scheduled time and I usually get a call (or 2) in…

So I've never had a job with “breaks” before. Now to be fair the only other jobs I've had where: being paid with food, fabric, and the occasional $20 doing tech things for community theater & being a substitute teacher.

For neither of these jobs did I have to punch a time clock… Nor did I have breaks where I wasn't expected to drop everything and help.

But now I have a 9-5 “office” job (call center), and during training taking my breaks was easy because everyone would leave the room and trickle back in. But now that I'm at my own cubicle I struggle to remember I'm due for a 15 until it's after my scheduled lunch.

I'm trying to do my best to remember, but the notification that pops up will show up 15 minutes before my scheduled time and I usually get a call (or 2) in the interim.

Anyway what can be done if I'm forgetting to take my breaks? Can I be terminated? No one's mentioned anything but I'm very nervous that I'm not going to be able to get my “act” together before it becomes a serious issue.

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