
So got a job offer but want me start during finals and before I even put in my two weeks.

First off on mobile so sorry for format. I finally got a job offer after 6 months of spamming zip and indeed for jobs. A pdf unit with the county juvenile detection center. At first I was excited at I was getting an offer two days after interview. I was getting my two week notice together to hand in after meeting for the signing tomorrow when I was told I should have send my notice last week. They want to go into the training seminar next Monday and into the two week training as they have limited training periods. They seem to be wanting 3 to 5 days in a row and due to my classes going into finals and work schedule already out for next week, I can barely make 2 in a row I'm starting to question if I should go thought with this as I suspect they…

First off on mobile so sorry for format.

I finally got a job offer after 6 months of spamming zip and indeed for jobs. A pdf unit with the county juvenile detection center. At first I was excited at I was getting an offer two days after interview. I was getting my two week notice together to hand in after meeting for the signing tomorrow when I was told I should have send my notice last week.

They want to go into the training seminar next Monday and into the two week training as they have limited training periods. They seem to be wanting 3 to 5 days in a row and due to my classes going into finals and work schedule already out for next week, I can barely make 2 in a row

I'm starting to question if I should go thought with this as I suspect they won't really want to wait for a better time to do the full trying. I even told them that my availability would clear up until after finals.

I currently hate my current job but not sure if I want to risk study time for the switch.

Any advice would be helpful here.

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