
So I applied to an another position within the company…

Basically, it was a management position in an another department. There wasn't a job interview per se. We were asked to a presentation for our ideas of what we could do with said department. What direction we could take it. I basically had free reign of how to do it. I didn't get it. Which was ok. A month passes. Within that month I had to have an emergency gall bladder removal operation, and when I returned to work, I began noticing that my ideas I put forward in my presentation, or ideas that were strikingly similar to what I presented, where going into motion. Two of them were in full force. I noticed the first as an advert on youtube, the other when I entered a grocer. Then I found out they were working on something 'hush hush'. I did as much digging as I could, and what I…

Basically, it was a management position in an another department. There wasn't a job interview per se. We were asked to a presentation for our ideas of what we could do with said department. What direction we could take it. I basically had free reign of how to do it.

I didn't get it. Which was ok. A month passes. Within that month I had to have an emergency gall bladder removal operation, and when I returned to work, I began noticing that my ideas I put forward in my presentation, or ideas that were strikingly similar to what I presented, where going into motion. Two of them were in full force. I noticed the first as an advert on youtube, the other when I entered a grocer. Then I found out they were working on something 'hush hush'. I did as much digging as I could, and what I learned that they are working on is in the same spirit as one of the projects I suggested.

And no one has said anything to me. Not even: 'hey your ideas were really good and we decided to do them. great job you!'. I was, and still is, furious. But I decided to hold my tongue. I thought to myself, nothing good will come of it. Best case scenario, I appear petty, worst case scenario, I appear jealous.

But I have decided to leave that place. And its better for me to leave in peace, and actually walk away with good recommendations. And take credit for those things in my next job.

But my question is, how would you handle this?

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